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How helps Assistants & Administrators

How works
With a single source of truth for your board's decision and meeting content, data, and workflows, empowers you to be more informed, more effective, and less complicated.
Streamlined meeting & agenda building
The intuitive agenda and meeting builder supports all file types, templates, cloning, document organization, and decision tracking. Create meetings quickly and efficiently.
Unified collaboration hub serves as your unified system of record for every document, meeting, and board action you manage. It provides storage for all documents, synced across devices in real-time.
Meeting minutes, built right in
Effortlessly take meeting minutes, create notes, track tasks, and mark annotations as the meeting progresses – directly on the platform.
Dedicated training & support
Elevate your board experience with unparalleled and free board training, support, and our commitment to your success.
Want to learn more?
Discover more ways to enhance your experience with our platform.