Partnering with the most forward-thinking companies

How helps

How works
With a single source of truth for your board's decision and meeting content, data, and workflows, empowers you to be more informed, more effective, and less complicated.
Decisions without waiting for meetings provides all the information your team needs to act decisively. Administrators create an approval, and directors receive instant notifications.
Access context-rich information
All necessary documents are available for review, along with a space for conversation. Directors can vote from the comfort of their own home, without waiting for the next scheduled meeting.
Track to focus
Assemble and maintain a high-functioning leadership team by getting rid of organizational tasks. Analyze performance, identify gaps in expertise and find the talent you need to execute strategic objectives.
Anticipate stakeholder expectations
Leverage detailed data on peer and industry metrics to make sure your strategic initiatives withstand stakeholder scrutiny. Give your board instant access to key insights through
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